Monday 21 October 2013

After Effects Introduction02|VFX

Adobe After Effects workshop 02

During this workshop we were working with still images. I've already knew most of the tricks and used my knowledge in the previous post video, however I've listed few useful tips below:
  • when setting a new composition remember to set it to the correct size;
  • there are film&video presets in Photoshop CS6, however they can be modify (for example canvas size can be bigger than the actual frame size, which allows to pan camera around), when grid is switched on it will show the actual frame size (for reference);
  • HDV and HDTV presets (formats) differ in width and pixel aspect ratio;
  • .psd files>import as composition> double click at composition to open it>opens exactly like in ps with layers in correct placement (check composition settings and change them to match settings needed for this project>all layers have/share same anchor point);
  • composition retain layer sizes>each layer stays in the actual sizeand each layer have specific/own anchor point;  
  •  motion blur switch - makes fast footage look more realistic, smoother; imitates camera shutter - can be changed in composition settings >advance>motion blur: shutter angle and shutter phase;
  • global adjustments > solid layer that fills whole composition (or just part of it)> apply effect on layer below (works like adjustment layers in Photoshop);
  • square switch> makes 3D layer (or can go to layers and make a 3D layer).

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