Sunday 26 October 2014

Initial knight design ideas|COP3

Below are 6 rough knight concepts I did recently to test out massive Cintiq we got in college. It took me a little bit over an hour to do all of them and there was no planning involved - I just went for it. Therefore, I'm not really going to use them in later stages, going back to the starting point and testing out shapes and silhouette.
So, why I've done this batch and why am I showing it here? First of all, I think it was a good warm up exercise for me, person who's normally not drawing fantasy (which doesn't mean I don't like it). A little bit outside of my usual, monster-alien creature, comfort zone. Second reason behind posting this image is, that even though I haven't done much planning with it, I still applied some of the armour knowledge I gained recently from compiling moodboards. This experimentation will be benefitial in later stages, as I had a chance to design some crazy looking armour parts (still not as insane as some knight designs seen in fantasy art). Still, I need to get a bit bolder with my designs if I want to portrait a typical fantasy concept art usually seen in RPG games.

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