Sunday 19 October 2014

Guild Wars|COP3

Another MMO title I've decided to research is Guild Wars. It's a competitive online role-playing game created by Arena Net and published by NCsoft, first released in 2005. Moreover, Guild Wars 2 (released in 2012)  is a second most hyped MMO game according to this list.

Kekai Kotaki was one of the artists involved in creating vast fantasy world of Tyria and worked in Arena Net for over 8 years. He has a quite specific, personal style thats easy to recognize. Part of his website dedicated to art made for Guild Wars overflow with the character and creature concepts. There are many costume variations for each of the characters, they are also different to each other in terms of silhouette. Faced same direction, each set hold a repeating pattern in terms of colors and style. Similarly to Mr--Jack, figures are lineless. However, in most cases, colors are rather muted, browns, yellows and oranges being the most used ones (but there are occasional bright purples and reds). There is also a good handful of more finished illustrations.

The Guild Wars 2 category showcase more environments and illustrations, but still have a section dedicated to concept art. Again, a lot of variations and different characters are shown, with the same drawing style - lineless, just blocks of colour. It seems like there is more variety in races this time.

Alike to Mr--Jack, Kekai Kotaki concepts hold same properties and follow similar rules. With my practical element in mind, I'll have to stick to the already established pattern. However, before I start creating my concepts, I need to look at least at one more game franchise (possibly Riot Games).

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