Friday 23 May 2014

Plans for Summer|PPP2

This summer break I'm hoping to be quite busy, as I got few things planned already. I'm going to do some teaching, which I enjoyed a lot. It's going to be tester days and some simple presentations for kids. I'm also working on an animation for Leeds Council together with Sara and two Vis-Com students. Next week we are going to start storyboarding and agree on the style of animation for the final piece.
I'm also taking part in a competition with Kinga and Katherine, were we will create a game based on actual street plans of Whitby. I'm very excited about this project as I don't do as much 3D as I should.
I'm also hoping to work more on my personal projects and improve my drawing and animating skills. One of the project involves animation, to which I've already done few simple test drawings (e.g. trees that are included in my reel), another one is a short comic. I had the idea for a script in my head for couple of months now, slowly letting it grow. It's going to be set in present and will be much more darker and grimmer than my usual, cheerful drawings. There has been also an idea of making it into a motion comic, since they are quite popular lately. I did some research into the motion comics already and I might push this project a bit further.
As for animation, I'm thinking about revisiting principals of animation and starting from the begging. I'll also try to learn Flash or ToonBoom as this softwares are made for animation, not like Photoshop (which makes animating quite painful).
Drawing skill-wise, I'm going to keep on doing weekly challenges and also improve my environments and illustrations. As we only got one year left I want to create as many good quality pieces as I can.

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