Monday 10 November 2014

Testing Cintiq 24HD|PPP3

This year we got two Wacom Cintiqs 24HD and I've so much fun testing and using one of them. I've to admit, first encounter was rather strange as I've never used Cintiq before - had to watch couple of YT tutorials on setting it up. Quickly, I've became familiar with it and it made my work flow a bit faster.

Setting up express keys in itself is a fairly easy task, however deciding on which keys are the most important is a bit harder. After years of using Graphire 4 along with the keyboard (and still doing that at home) I've got a little bit of trouble getting used to buttons lined next to the display. Even after setting up keys I still find some other useful shortcuts and keep on reaching for keyboard. Toggle display is extremly useful for zooming in/out, changing brush/eraser size and rotating canves.

Drawing on Cintiq feels a bit.. weird. It's like putting a thick glass over your paper and then trying to draw. Yet, the disconnection between hand movements and screen is much smaller than when using traditional tablet like Graphire. And thats for the pros of the Cintiq.
On the down side screen heats up pretty quickly, after hour and half of using bottom part gets a bit warm. Other annoying thing is the reflection from the lights. Maybe it's due to the fact I wear glasses, but working indark seems like a perfect option for me. No glare. In one of the rooms I had to figure out which lights I can have switched on in order to see what's happening on the screen.
Another thing worth mentioning is the lack of dual monitor setting, mostly due to the space issues. It'd be extremly useful to have another screen hooked up and used just for reference images or checking brief. But then, I'd probably end up with a wrist injury in no time (since it feels like I can work longer on it without breaks than on normal tablet).
I'm still unsure whetever I'd buy a Cintiq in a future or not. It's probably a good investment, although I'm still vary of some issues, like the glare issue. Moreover, I've heard from some artists that used previous models, that the screen was prone to scratches from the pen. So, just let's hope my Graphire will last me for another couple of years (at least).

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