Wednesday 8 May 2013

12-step process|PPP

As I'm constantly trying to improve my drawing skills, it is somehow normal for me to search for new techniques and tutorials. I've created a list of different referance sources, tutorials and got few anatomy books.
Recently I've came across a wonderful blog post by Devin Platts (texahol) about 12-step program, where he explains his workflow. I find this break down process very helpful.

I don't really want to go into too much detail, just to summarise main points (however, I might talk a bit more about this process after trying it out on myself ;)).
First, you have to create a rough sketch, then draw a cleaner version, iterations, and repeat until succesfull with yours final design. Second part of tutorial explains coloring techniques as well as look at silhouettes. The last part is about adding rim-light and making few more adjustments to help character pop-out. Devin also talks about good layer management and sketching process.

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