Monday 10 December 2012

Brief 2 - Emote - Edit Notes/ Credits

During this brief I was also involved in editing process and by doing that my FinalCutPro confidence went up by 200% (+30 pts to edit magic). I've learned few tricks and basically understood this software better. Moreover I found this process quite enjoyable or at least not as painful as during the first try.

After we finished editing the only thing that was left was to come up with title and design end credits. I've looked at various movies credits, also search for some rules/guidelines to follow. Also I've tried to pay a lot of attention to how the credits looked like from designer point of view; our names are quite long so was hard to avoid making it all chunky, bold and unreadable. I'm glad that we already had our typograhy lecture. Searching for perfect font was a little bit challenging but I'm sure that Century Gothic do its magic. I think credits are the part I'm the most proud of - guilty pleasure, looking at your own name fading away, having great title next to it.

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